FREE research buyer survey

Are you a buyer or user of market research? If so, please could you help us to create the second wave of a key industry benchmark?

The IMA has partnered with ESOMAR, NewMR and more than 20 other organisations to develop a deeper understanding of what is changing in the design and use of research. Please click here if you would like to take part and complete the short survey.

Everybody involved in the study will be able to register to receive a free copy of the results, so if you want to know more about the key trends in buying, commissioning, and using research-based insights, please join in!

Because so many organisations are working together to support this initiative, you may receive several invitations from different organisations but please only take the survey once.

The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete, so please click here if you would like to take part.

Thanks in advance!


James Wycherley,

Chief Executive, IMA